It takes a small army to conduct research, and it’s impossible to complete a PhD without a lot of input from a lot of people. Some of the people who have contributed to this PhD project are listed below.
Ros Green (that’s me)
I’m a part-time PhD student studying at the University of Liverpool, whilst also continuing my work for the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) as a Research Ecologist in the Wetland and Marine Research Team. I am a field ornithologist by trade, with over a decade of experience surveying, monitoring, catching, ringing, tagging and studying birds.
I’m a licensed bird ringing trainer with cannon-net and special methods endorsements. I love applied research, and hope to make the most of my PhD time to advance our knowledge of shelduck migration, and Anatidae migration more broadly.

This work is funded by:
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment programme, and the British Trust for Ornithology.
Thanks also to John Hartley (Hartley Anderson) for providing original and ongoing research direction, scientific advise and support, and contract support.
I’d like to thank my PhD supervisors and advisors for all their support, knowledge and expertise throughout this project:
Main supervisor: Jon Green, University of Liverpool
Co-supervisors: Rachel Jeffreys (University of Liverpool), Sam Franks (BTO) and Aonghais Cook (The Biodiversity Consultancy)
Advisors/major supporters: Niall Burton & Rob Robinson, BTO
Whilst Sam Franks is on maternity leave, Niall Burton is covering her supervisory role.

Tagging fieldwork teams
I’ve had a lot of help from skilled individuals with all of my fieldwork. I could not have done the work without them. I sincerely want to thank all of you for the time and energy you’ve put into this work. In no particular order, these are:
Dave Fairhurst, Mike Marsh, Mike Matthewson, Nigel Clark, Jacquie Clark, Gary Clewley, Sam Franks, Katharine Bowgen, Gill Stannard, Alastair Wilson, Kane Brides, Jude Barbour, Kerry Mackie, Kez Armstrong, Ross McIlwrath, Kendrew Colhourn, Robin Ward, Eric Wood, the Tees Ringing Group, Ewan Weston, Raymond Duncan, Jacob Davies, Nina O’Hanlen, Daniel Johnston, and Katherine Booth-Jones.
Tag retrievers
All the GPS devices I use detach from the birds within 2 months. I’ve had a lot of help from people who have dropped everything to go on treasure hunts to remote locations to retrieve them. In no paticular order, many thanks to:
Jacob Jan de Vries, Klaus Günther, Jon Green, Richard Du Feu, Phil Woollen, Romke Kleefstra, Gerard Westerhuis, Willem Bil, Gerrit Krottje, Kerry Mackie, Mike Dennett (Ultramarine Powerboat Services), Alastair Wilson, Irene Kopanska, Rob Hunton, ABP Humber, Jackson Sage, Mark Collier, Dagmar, Niklas & Mio Cimiotti, Christiane, Annabell, Sophia, Imke, Chris Millar, Stephen Dunstan, Steve Hinde, Andrew Gibson, Steve Routledge, and Mark Smart.

Colour ring resighters
Many people are committing a lot of time to resighting shelduck colour rings, and providing lots of useful movement data for the species. Many thanks to:
Emma James, Steve Hinde, Richard Smith, Les Hall, Kane Brides, Craig Ralston, Mike Marsh, Dave Fairhurst, Mike Matthewson, Ed Betteridge, Holmer Vonk, and everyone else who has provided other sightings.
Feather collectors – moult sites
Since 2022, we’ve been collecting moulted shelduck feathers at every moult site around northwest Europe. This has involved a huge volunteer effort, and I want to thank all those involved. In no particular order, thanks to:
Steve Hinde, Nick Goldsmith, Mark Collier, Bernd Hälterlein, Wes Payne, Dick Best, Rob Hunton, Morgan Whittaker, Evy Gobbens, Hannah Rogge, Nienlie Muller, Matilda Eichan, Barbra, Scott Petrek, Dr. Till Holsten, Tim Pigott, Joschua Sue, John Calladine, Katherine Booth-Jones, Melanie Theel, Lizzie Grayshon, Ryan Burrel, and Alastair Wilson.
Feather collectors – non-breeding sites
In winter 2023/24 the following people collected feather samples from shelduck they caught in non-breeding sites:
Louise Greenwood, Mike Tyler, Steve Dodd, Robin Ward, Ewan Weston, Raymond Duncan, Sam Franks and Katharine Bowgen.

Moral support(ers)
Doing research isn’t easy, and I need a lot of support from a lot of people. I particularly want to thank those of you who keep me going when things get tough.
Particular thanks go to my husband (Alastair Wilson) for keeping me going on the bad days, and my dog (JayJay) for endless cuddles. Also Ryan Burrell, Gary Clewley, Lizzie Grayshon, Liz Humphreys, Sam Franks, David Hodkinson, my SEGUL research group & the other PhD students in my Liverpool office, and Rob Robinson.