A full list of my publications can be found on Google Scholar under Ros M.W. Green.
Publications relevant to this PhD project specifically can be found below:

Ros M.W. Green, Niall H.K. Burton and Aonghais S.C.P. Cook (2021) Ringing and Migration, 34, p71 – 83.
This summarises the results presented in the reports below, and contextualises why these are important for assessing offshore wind farm interactions. Data on connectivity, migration routes, flight height and speed are presented.

Ros M.W. Green, Niall H.K. Burton and Aonghais S.C.P. Cook (2020) BTO Research Report 725.
This summarises the results of our first tracking study in 2019, where four adults were tracked on migration across the North Sea from the Suffolk coast to the Wadden Sea. Details of the catching and tagging methods are given, as well as the summaries of the migration data collected, including routes, timings, flight heights, flight speeds, and stop-over durations.

Ros M.W. Green, Niall H.K. Burton and Aonghais S.C.P. Cook (2019) BTO Research Report 718.
This is the initial piece of work that started the whole research project. It gives an overview of what was known about shelduck migration in the north-west European population up to 2019, and highlights where the major knowledge gaps are that prevent accurate assessment of the potential for shelduck to interact with offshore wind farms.

Ros M.W. Green, Niall H.K. Burton, Aonghais S.C.P. Cook, Samantha E. Franks, Rachel M. Jeffreys and Jonathan A. Green (2022). Poster presented at the Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts 2022.
This poster outlines the aims and objectives of each of my PhD chapters, and gave me an opportunity to ask industry professionals for useful information to help with these aims.